Saidpur police station is a very old police station. Saidpur police station was established in the 5th. Syedpur was first named after the Sayyid family after the name of the Syed family. On 7/2/2, administrative activities started as a standard police station. The area of the upazila is 121.7 sq km. Saidpur is an exceptional upazila from other upazilas. Most of the people of this upazila live in the city area. Originally the town of Saidpur was established in the center of the railway factory.Although the city was built on the railway center, it became one of the major trading centers in the north in the course of time. Saidpur is known as the corridor or nerve center of six districts including Rangpur, Dinajpur. Many wise people live here. Saidpur Upazila Gorai is a target of a well-rounded, beautiful, terror-free, development-oriented information technology with integrated efforts.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS