Christian Cemetery: The largest Christian cemetery in the region has been set up beside the wall of sugar museum. A unique example of social harmony. The railway was made just after the establishment of the factory. With the establishment of the British Government Railway Factory, the arrival of the Christian community here is very widespread. Sightseeing Church: The northern trade center was established in the city of Saidpur city during the British Company's rule. At that time, the Syedpur of Assam Bengal Railway was a small railway station. The British took into consideration the establishment of railway factories, its location, climate and environmental status. Many British, Anglo-Indians, Catholics and Protestants worked with Bengali-Bihari factory in this factory ... In the name of the mosque, Christian cemetery means cemetery. The church is also close by. The high torrent of the river Sharadrata, through the western edge of Sayedpur city, The defenses of the city are on the eastern bank of the river. In the afternoon many people came to visit the family. Next to Sayedpur bypass road. The broad green on both sides of the road Then I went to the Railway Officers Club. The green courtyard in front of the Lalranga building. Pulled the body in the air. I thought of going to Saidpur Airport; But Priyam said that the time will not be good. The zoo to see more However, due to evening, I started walking around the city. This city is different from all other cities of the country. Actually non-Bengalis gave the city another dimension.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS