Islambagh, Syedpur, Nilphamari
Syedpur Airport, Syedpur Railway Station, Syedpur Bus Stand, Rabeya BusStandard and Wapda more bus stand to have a microbus, rickshaw, auto rickshaw.
Syedpur Airport, Syedpur Railway Station, Syedpur Bus Stand, Rabeya BusStandard and Wapda Corridor bus stand to have a microbus, rickshaw, auto rickshaw.
Established in 1863 as a result of hundreds of skilled artisans and artisans' earnest efforts, this mosque was set up in 1863, with a collection of 243 Shankar Marmara stones, mosque mosque with stones, and 25 pieces of porcelain on the mosque. Nainaviram This mosque has 27 minarets, of which 5 are still incomplete.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS